
High Five For Friday's Y'all!

 I'm linking up with Lauren again from over here! Join us, will ya?

1. Sleepy heads. Parker has had VBS this week and has been completely worn out. He got to stay with Aunt Angie Wed night and played his little heart out with Baylie. Notice the shiner???? Little monkey fell on the sidewalk and got bruised up.

2. I'm sure if you read my post from yesterday, than you already know that Peyterbug is 2! Makes me a little sad.

3. BOOMER!!!!! Meet my one and only girl, Boomer Nicole. She has been a little under the weather. Big Bill took her in and she has some sort of virus, her nose is all yucky and she isn't eating, she has lost 10lbs in the last 2 weeks :( so I have been very worried about her. But we got some meds and she ate some hamburger meat and rice last night with her medicine so hopefully she'll perk up soon. This made the 2nd time something has been wrong with her in 2 months. Breaks my heart. Previous, she got some sort of virus from eating a rodent or bird. YUCK!

4. H20. Very important in these 187 degree temps we've been having! Me and the boys have been spending some time at the pool.... aunt's pool, city pool, gym pool....wherever we can go!

5. My boys, sharing a popsicle last night during VBS family night. Seriously. Can they be any sweeter?


Thankful Thursday's - My Babycakes

I am now a momma to a TWO YEAR OLD! Seriously! How did that happen so fast?! Two years ago today, I had my 39th week check up.

Doc said, go get admitted.

I called the hubs and said, you might want to take the rest of the day off! ha!

Got admitted that morning and by 4:09 PM, was blessed to see this precious face. You know, I struggled a little bit with how on earth will I love more than one child! And what a dumb thought that was. I always knew I would love my kids, but I never have experience love like this.
And now.....let's do a walk down memory lane, you know, because it has been two LONG years and lots of stuff happens :)

Hello World!

Halloween 2010 (note, please do not be concerned that Peyterbug was not wearing socks, it was in the 80's)

Fall 2010

Christmas 2010

Easter 2011

Baby Dedication Spring 2011

Summer 2011 - checking out big brother's bike


Labor Day 2011 - your first plane ride to visit Aunt Sissy, Uncle Jeremey and Drew in NC

You also figured out how to climb up the slide :)

 Winter 2011

Winter 2011 - Checking out the lights on the square

Spring 2012 - Big Brother requested supper at the park, you agreed.

Spring 2012 - after watching Parker play t-ball, I'd say you picked up some of your own skills.

Summer 2012 - Future Bull Rider

And today, you are TWO years old, little man! You definitely take after the Pitts' side, not  just in looks (hello brown eyes!) but in stubborness and eating habits. Once you set your mind to something, you do not budge! You make us laugh and when you and Parker get going, we are on the floor rolling. I thank God every day that he called ME to be YOUR momma. I love you Peyterbug!!!

Just because you are two, doesn't mean you get to drive to school!

Happy Birthday Peyterbug!!!! I am very thankful for you!


Iphone Dump

Since I've been a little MIA these last few weeks, here are just a few pictures from my phone to explain my absence.

A certain 4 year old typically has my phone and I will randomly find pictures of random things. Exhibit A:

 Billy and Parker thought this look would be a fantastic photo op. I am still unsure why that was, but whatev!

 My Peyterbug's birthday is THIS THURSDAY!!!!! How is that even possible?! I've been working on his little goodies bags and had to text Sis to see if she approved. She did.

 Two little goofballs in the making, Parker and Wells. We celebrated Wells' 4th birthday this weekend. They are a mess.

 First snow cone of the season. Success. Parker ordered a Spiderman flavor. Surprised?

A few weeks ago, we celebrated another friend's birthday, Sarah Kate's. Wells' lil bro wasn't up to par so we offered Wells a ride. He happily accepted. Parker even shared his Buzz with him. They're tight.

Now this is just funny. I had to go check out some scooters at the stores and I found this little guy hanging out in the Gator. (Gary is the Toys Dept Manager at store 100 if anyone ever wants to tell him hello - ha!)
 I have a TON, I mean a TON of these on my phone. And scooters. And ride ons......does work ever really stop?

Parker is becoming quite the little photographer these days. He wanted to snap a picture of me and baby cakes last night. Pretty good, eh?
Day 2 of VBS and I didn't have a panic attack when I dropped Parker off, thank you Jesus. Parker LOVES coming to Mommy's work in the mornings, yesterday he got chocolate donuts from my boss, colored quietly and played games on my phone, all while using his manners mind you. And today, he got a cheese stick (that is code for string cheese) and a chicken biscuit from CFA (someone is always bringing breakfast up here, no wonder I can't get rid of this gut!) He didn't want to color today but played some games for a little bit. He then roamed around in our showroom looking at all the bikes and telling me which ones he wants. According to my girl Kacy, he is really having a good time at VBS. Makes my heart smile.


Panic Attack's

Hey y'all! So it's been a few days, eh? :) Today, our church started VBS, or Bible School according to a certain 4 year old. He thinks he's hot, make that H.O.T.T. hot stuff, since he gets to come to Mommy's office for a little while and then go to Bible school.

I whole heartedly agree with him, BTW.

Anyways, yesterday during service, they casually mentioned that they had around 600 kids already pre-registered and I gasped. Out loud. SIX HUNDRED! Holy Hannah. So last night, I prayed really hard, I mean, really hard y'all. I just kept repeating over and over, please Lord, don't let Parker get scared with that many people. His friends are there, his friends' mommies are there, Aunt Angie is there, Rylie is in his group...he'll be fine, right? Yes, he'll be fine.

Fast foward to this morning, he got an A+++++ at my office for manners and great attitude, he even got chocolate donuts from my boss. I do my morning reports (booooooorrrrinnnnggggg) and we head to VBS. I pull up, and thought to myself, wow, there's a whole lotta cars.


Walk a little bit.

Wow, there is really a lot of cars.

Walk inside.

Cue panic attack.

There were kids everywhere! I seriously felt like I was dropping him off for kindergarten! Thank the Lord I still have 1 more year before that happens! I think I just got overwhelmed because there were so many kids.....I think I saw someone post on FB that, including the workers and the nursery, there was around 900 people this morning! Praying for big things to happen to these little ones.

This weekend, we had 2 birthday parties and 1 cook out to attend. It made for a busy weekend. One of the birthday parties was a swim party at our friends' subdivision club house. It's about 1.5 miles away (3 miles round trip!) from our house. So we loaded up Peyterbug in the trailer and hopped on our bikes. Parker did SO GREAT!!! There were at least 3 hills, and we had to go on a busy road for about 1/4 of a mile. He listened so well and didn't complain one time! Now after all that cupcake eatin, swimmin, and playin with his friends, the ride home was a different story. He was great until the last hill and his little legs were just exhausted. I basically had to walk my bike, while pushing him to the top of the hill. But I really can't complain, he was a rockstar!

And alas, what is a blog without any pictures?! This was taken a few weeks ago when we were all down at Momma's. These 3 little monkey's mean the world to us!


Thankful Thursday's - Big Bill's Birthday (BBB - haha)

Hey y'all! Today is Thankful Thursday! What are y'all thankful for today?

Big  Bill celebrated turning 35! Mid thirties....wowza ;) I have been blessed to celebrated 11 birthday's with this man.

I am also thankful for the love that Parker has for his big cousin Baylie. The next day after this picture was taken, he told me that when he turns 5 (which is in November BTW) he wants Baylie to come stay the night with us and stay for a really long time so he won't miss her so much. How sweet is that?!


T-ball and Muskrats

This weekend, my little slugger had his last t-ball game of the season. It was amazing to see how much he came out of his shell. During the first few games, I had no idea how we would make it through the season. I didn't mind that he "didn't want to play that day" but he completely threw his manners out the window apparently and that was where I had an issue. Here is #5 at the first game!

 And my #5 at the last game! Completely different child!!!

Last team huddle....

His was very excited that his Pawpaw was able to come watch him play. All the grandparents except one was able to come watch him.

After the ball game, they had a pizza party where Coach handed out medals and a certificate. They were all beaming, smiling ear to ear, when Coach was placing the medal around their necks! It was so cute.

 Some of his teammates - super sad that his good buddy Braxton was on vacation and missed it :(

 Since we had a free sitter on Saturday, we got a late date night. Now mind you, we (meaning I) are usually in bed, ASLEEP, by 10pm. It was almost 9 by the time we left!

We hit up the ol' DQ and went to a park to make out sit by the peaceful creek.Well, it was peaceful until I saw this THING in the water! The next 20 minutes were spent me taking pictures, googling images to see what it was and  Big Bill throwing sticks and trying to spit on it (yes, he did just celebrate his 35th birthday....THIRTY FIVE!). Finally, we got bored and since I was about to turn into a pumpkin (hey it was after 10 by now) we decided to head home, still unsure what this THING was. After we got home, we conversed with our sitter (Pawpaw). After he clearly saw our awesome footage, he simply stated "It's a muskrat."


And that, was probably the most interesting date that I have ever been on.


High 5 For Friday!

So I made an executive decision to link up to Lauren over at frommygreydeskblog......Every Friday she does a H54F linkythingymajig and I thought it will be a good reflection moment. You basically just list 5 things that happened pretty recent that were exciting.....so here we go.....

1. This little guy is getting familiar with the potty chair. How can I not be excited about that?! Potty chair = no more diapers! Hello!!!! He is also practicing safety first by sporting his helmet!

2. I only had a 3.5 day working week! Score! Thanks to the holiday (Memorial Day-did you thank a Veteran?!) and summer hours on Friday's, it was a great week!

3. I have made it 3 out of 4 days to the gym. At 5AM. I used to go more.....I seem to have fallen off the wagon. Before we went on vacay, I was very dedicated....and now I just feel so lazy! I've had a lot of back issues and basically have just gotten lazy. If I want to enjoy my cokes/pizza/Mexican food, I have GOT to get back in the game!

4. I have also had my quite time every morning this week. Sometimes I am hit or miss and I have been really trying hard to be the hitter. I have a pretty good morning routine down, but if one of the boys wakes up earlier than usual or I take too long to primp, then it kinda throws everything off.

5. I scored an 108 point word on Words with Friends. Boo-ya!!!!! I know this technically doesn't classify me as a nerd, but taking a picture of it does! Hey, I had to have proof!

What are your H54F's????