
Iphone Dump

Since I've been a little MIA these last few weeks, here are just a few pictures from my phone to explain my absence.

A certain 4 year old typically has my phone and I will randomly find pictures of random things. Exhibit A:

 Billy and Parker thought this look would be a fantastic photo op. I am still unsure why that was, but whatev!

 My Peyterbug's birthday is THIS THURSDAY!!!!! How is that even possible?! I've been working on his little goodies bags and had to text Sis to see if she approved. She did.

 Two little goofballs in the making, Parker and Wells. We celebrated Wells' 4th birthday this weekend. They are a mess.

 First snow cone of the season. Success. Parker ordered a Spiderman flavor. Surprised?

A few weeks ago, we celebrated another friend's birthday, Sarah Kate's. Wells' lil bro wasn't up to par so we offered Wells a ride. He happily accepted. Parker even shared his Buzz with him. They're tight.

Now this is just funny. I had to go check out some scooters at the stores and I found this little guy hanging out in the Gator. (Gary is the Toys Dept Manager at store 100 if anyone ever wants to tell him hello - ha!)
 I have a TON, I mean a TON of these on my phone. And scooters. And ride ons......does work ever really stop?

Parker is becoming quite the little photographer these days. He wanted to snap a picture of me and baby cakes last night. Pretty good, eh?
Day 2 of VBS and I didn't have a panic attack when I dropped Parker off, thank you Jesus. Parker LOVES coming to Mommy's work in the mornings, yesterday he got chocolate donuts from my boss, colored quietly and played games on my phone, all while using his manners mind you. And today, he got a cheese stick (that is code for string cheese) and a chicken biscuit from CFA (someone is always bringing breakfast up here, no wonder I can't get rid of this gut!) He didn't want to color today but played some games for a little bit. He then roamed around in our showroom looking at all the bikes and telling me which ones he wants. According to my girl Kacy, he is really having a good time at VBS. Makes my heart smile.